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"Open your mouth for the mute,

for the rights of all who are destitute. Open your mouth, judge righteously,

defend the rights of the poor and needy." - Proverbs 31:8-9

Look, this isn't about politics. In general, I find politics unhelpful in a spiritual conversation.

But there is real inequality that exists in our country.

There is real racism that exists in our country, at a systemic and institutional level. This needs to be addressed, thoroughly. This needs to be talked about. It needs to be exposed. There needs to be radical change to the way police officers administrate and enforce the law.

I'm not against police officers; my uncle is a police officer. But I am against unlawful harm, violence, discrimination, and death.

I am not an advocate for riots, or violent protest. Obviously, I am praying those, specifically, would come to an end. I am praying for anyone who has lost their livelihood, their job, their home, or has experienced any detriment caused by the riots.

But I am an advocate for protest and demonstration. And I firmly believe that it is the duty of Christian men and women to stand with our brothers and sisters in this country who are suffering. It is our duty to stand for them. We are called to intercede.

Make your voice heard. Make their voices heard.

Proverbs 31 is written by a king, for a future king. And yet, I believe the command is for all of us. Do good. Seek justice. Correct oppression. Bring justice.

We are our brother's keeper.

I think the worst thing the Church can do right now is remain silent. We not only need to speak out against others, we need to repent for our failures. We need to repent for times that we have contributed to racism or discrimination, on any level.

Don't fear repentance. Embrace it. It is an opportunity to experience God's love for you, His forgiveness, and the opportunity to start over. Today, you have the chance to be an advocate for others. You have a chance to help fix things.

We need to seriously ask ourselves what we stand for, as the body of Jesus Christ. Before Him, all people are equal. Through Him, all people are offered the gift of salvation. In Him, we are called to love all people.

My hope is that all of us pray. But please, don't stop there. When you pray, ask specifically, that God would give you an opportunity to help, to speak out against racism, police brutality. Pray that God would create change through your actions, through your voice.

Pray that God's Holy Spirit would work in you and through you.

God bless you.


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