This will be a short post.
"I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord;
I have no good apart from you.” - Psalm 16:2
This verse absolutely dismantled me this morning. It took away my pride, my entitlement, it put me in my place.
"You are MY Lord..."
So often I presume to tell God what I want, what I deserve. Or, the nature of my prayers reflects the heart of someone who feels they have been cheated by God.
All I do is ask for more and more.
I have no good apart from you.
Every good gift comes from your hand. My life. My family. My talents. My resources. It is all a a gift. Teach me to be a better steward of those gifts, God.
Give me a heart of humility and gratitude.
I do not say thank you enough. Maybe, you have the same problem?
This verse is a perfect place to start your prayers. Psalm 100 tells us to enter into God's presence with thanksgiving. Start with gratitude. End with gratitude. Make your prayers a gratitude sandwich.
It will change the way you think about God. He'll go from a looming presence, to a Heavenly Father that is always with you, always providing.
Do yourself a favor: Delight in His love for you. Remind yourself of His provision.