"Can you fathom the deep things of God or discover the limits of the Almighty?" - Job 11:7
The short answer is no.
What a strange, unusual God we worship.
He is entirely above us, beyond our comprehension, and yet He is deeply invested in our lives.
He is All-powerful. He holds the universe, and everything in it, in the palm of His hand, and yet He delights in using the weak, the unexpected, the unlikely for His most miraculous work.
That He would send His Messiah -- the hope and salvation for all the world -- to a poor girl, in a podunk town, in an oppressed nation is completely ludicrous. That the only begotten Son of God would deign to spend time with sinners, prostitutes, tax-collectors, outcasts, and the marginalized defies everything we have come to expect out of those with power. That He would surrender Himself to sinners, for the salvation of sinners, is foolishness.
Our God does not act the way He should.
Why should love us? There is no making sense of it. And yet, we know that He does.
Stop trying to make sense of it. It is senseless. Instead, rejoice in His love for you. Tell His story.