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A Still More Excellent Way

I've been spending a lot of time in 1 Corinthians lately.

Last week, I finished my study on chapter 12. In it, Paul talks about spiritual gifts, their usefulness, and the beauty/diversity that can and should exist in the body of Christ.

His point is that each of us has a function in this body. No one person is greater than the other, nor are we at liberty to dismiss the other parts of the body. We're all necessary.

That means you. Whoever you are... Your individuality is a beautiful and necessary thing to the Church. It is a unique expression of God's grace. And you have a role to play.

And that is so much more than just a pastor. Or teacher. Or director. Or any of the silly titles that "professional" church-workers are ascribed.

There is so little that I -- as a pastor at a church -- am actually qualified to do. One of them happens to be preaching on Sunday morning.

But you have gifts, talents, training, and life experiences that extend far beyond the kinds of gatherings that take place on Sunday mornings. And my hope is that you would see your life and your uniqueness through the lens of God's purpose for you and for the Church. That through you, by who you are, Jesus would be glorified.

And I pray that however that may be, whatever it is you may or may not accomplish in this life, whoever you are, that you would never forget the "still more excellent way" that Paul calls the Church to in chapter 13...

Because more than your gifts, more than your talents, more than the sum of your life experiences, your identity in Jesus is defined by love. Self-giving love. That's really what agape means. It is the kind of love that willingly gives of itself. That's God's love for you.

I pray that love would be your inspiration.

I pray that love would spark your own creativity and passion.

Everything else will fade away. Your gifts will fade. Your accomplishments will fade. One day you will no longer be able to do the kinds of things you can do now. So, invest your talents and your life into what lasts.

Everything is fading. This world is fading. You and I are fading.

But love will endure into eternity.



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